Rencontres de la Mobilité Intelligente 2018

  Welcome on the website to submit your proposal of communications

Call for papers 2018

Better knowing and better serving mobility

ATEC ITS France pursues its fundamental goals by bringing together researchers, academics, local governments, organising authorities, and operators of transportation infrastructure and services, mobility systems, and telecommunication systems, as well as their suppliers, manufacturers, research offices, and consultants, for two days in a friendly setting. The conference is for French and Francophone attendees, while giving a view of what's going on around the world.

Although safety and environmental protection remain important goals for public policy, the arrival of hyper-connected and fully or partially autonomous vehicles that primarily use renewable energy has become a reason to revisit the design and equipment of infrastructure and the way that personal and freight transportation is organised.

Services and practices are changing as access to high-speed connections becomes common. The search to improve the quality of time spent in transit has become a requirement in all modes, while the sharing economy has offered local governments new opportunities to improve transportation offerings.

Users, who are increasingly demanding and better-informed, are relying on technologies that are quickly evolving. They want policy-makers to provide diversified, flexible, economical transportation options.

The call for papers is divided into four topics:

A. New tools and technological innovations

B. Mobility and sustainable development policies

C. Managing services and operating networks

D. Users who operate and receive services

It covers all modes of ground transportation, both urban and interurban, passenger and freight. The scientific committee will select the presentations and divide them into workshops that form the programme of the Rencontres de la Mobilité Intelligente conference from 24 to 25 January 2018.

To download the call for papers CLICK HERE


Deadline for sending abstracts: 7 July to 25 August
Notifications of authors: 30 august - 30 September
Deadline for receiving articles (full text): 30 November
24 and 25 January 2018 : Rencontres de la Mobilité Intelligente


How to answer the call for papers

Step 1 : creation of your account:

 -          move the mouse on the arrow next to the button “connexion” and click on “créer un compte” 

-          you will receive an email from  with the confirmation that your account is created 

-          then you will have to click on the link to confirm your registration


Step 2 : Submission of your proposal you have to click on “déposer un résumé”

 Then you will have 4 steps:

 1) “Métadonnées” is about your communication with the Title (“titre”) // Type : depending if your proposal is about scientific and technical methods or if it is about innovative products and services // Topic  (“Thématique”) : between this four you can choose

 A. New tools and technological innovations

 B. Mobility and sustainable development policies

 C. Managing services and operating networks

 D. Users who operate and receive services

 2) “Auteurs” is a about the the authors of the proposal. You will be automatically registered but you will have to fill the part “affiliation”. In the field “Nom” you will have to enter the name of your company and at “adresse” the address of your company (“pays” =country) // tutelle : enter the name of your company again.

 You can add an author by clicking on “Renseigner un auteur”.

 3) “Fichiers” is about your file that you will be able to submit by clicking on “choisissez un fichier” then “transférer”

To ensure the scientific and technical quality of the conference, abstracts will be divided into two categories (scientific and technical methods and innovative products and services), and each has a different abstract format to follow: 

- Downlaod the abstract format for scientific and technical methods

- Download the abstract format for innovative and services

 4) “Récapitulatif” is the recap of your submission and you have to click on “déposer” and you will receive an email confirmation of your submission


For any information send an email to: 

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